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Star Wars Creatures

All 80 Star Wars Creatures, Explained

The Star Wars universe is bursting with incredible creatures. Curious to learn about them all? Check out our detailed guide below and get to know each one!

Welcome to a galaxy far, far away—a place teeming with life forms as diverse and fascinating as the planets they inhabit. Star Wars Creatures are rife from the desert plains of Tatooine to the lush forests of Endor. The Star Wars universe is home to an array of creatures that are as integral to the narrative as the heroes and villains who ride, battle, or coexist with them.

We will explore 80 of these remarkable creatures, each with unique characteristics and lore. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the galaxy, you’ll discover the secrets of the Star Wars fauna: how they live, where they thrive, and their roles in the larger saga.


Acklay Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Acklay is a menacing creature reminiscent of a crustacean mixed with a spider. It is known for its deadly agility and razor-sharp claws. Its hard, spiky exoskeleton protects it from attacks and environmental hazards. Its three eyes give it a broad field of vision, making it an effective predator in its native aquatic environment and on land. The Acklay is notably aggressive, especially when cornered or provoked.


  • The Acklay made a memorable appearance in “Episode II: Attack of the Clones,” fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Geonosian execution arena.

Known Locations

  • Vendaxa: Its native planet, where it inhabits the murky oceans but can also adapt to land.


Anooba Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Anooba is a carnivorous creature resembling a desert canine, known for its ferocity and resilience. Often seen prowling the wastes in packs, Anoobas are hunters and scavengers that can tackle prey much larger than themselves. They have coarse fur and a distinctive, bat-like face with sharp teeth, which adds to their intimidating presence.


  • Anoobas are seen throughout “The Clone Wars” series, typically at the side of bounty hunters and other rugged characters.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine and similar arid worlds, where their predatory nature keeps them at the top of the food chain.


Bantha Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Banthas are large, furry mammals with a calm demeanour, ideal as domesticated herd animals. Their thick, woolly coats protect them from extreme temperatures, which is particularly useful on the desert planets they often inhabit. Tusken Raiders, or Sand People, famously use Banthas as mounts, forming a symbiotic relationship with these creatures.


  • Banthas are most famously seen in “Episode IV: A New Hope” and “Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,” contributing significantly to the cultural fabric of Tatooine.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Banthas are deeply integrated into the ecosystem and culture of this desert planet.


Blixus Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Blixus is a chilling hybrid of aquatic and terrestrial traits, sporting a hard, segmented shell and multiple tentacles that can snatch prey from considerable distances. These tentacles are lined with suckers and end in sharp, pincer-like graspers, making the Blixus a formidable hunter. It moves awkwardly on land but is surprisingly agile in water or zero-gravity environments.


  • Featured in “The Clone Wars” animated series, the Blixus poses a significant threat due to its ability to ambush from a distance.

Known Locations

  • Often found in space habitats and on ships, although originally from aquatic environments.


Blurrg Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Blurrgs are robust, reptilian creatures used primarily for labour and transportation across rough terrains. They have thick skin that helps them resist predators and environmental challenges. Despite having only two legs, Blurrgs are stable and fast, capable of carrying heavy loads or even armed combatants over long distances without tiring.


  • Blurrgs have been featured in both “The Clone Wars” and “The Mandalorian,” where they are ridden by characters traversing dangerous landscapes.

Known Locations

  • Ryloth: Commonly used by the Twi’leks. Also found on other frontier planets where rugged transport animals are valued.


Bonbraks Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Bonbraks are small, stealthy creatures with an elongated body and multiple limbs that allow them to cling and climb with ease. Covered in a slick, dark exoskeleton, these creatures are excellent at remaining undetected in shadowy environments. They communicate through subtle vibrations in the ground, which they can sense with their sensitive legs.


  • Though not as prominent in mainstream media, Bonbraks have been featured in the expanded universe, particularly in espionage or stealth missions.

Known Locations

  • Coruscant: Particularly in the lower, less populated levels where their camouflage skills are advantageous.


Bonzami Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Bonzami is a formidable predator known for its brute strength and aggressive temperament. It has a thick, armoured hide that can withstand blaster fire and sharp, protruding spikes along its back and tail. Its jaw is robust and lined with razor-sharp teeth, suitable for crushing and tearing its prey.


  • Featured in “The Rise of Skywalker,” where a Bonzami attacks the protagonists in the sinking fields of Pasaana.

Known Locations

  • Pasaana: The arid and cavernous landscapes of Pasaana are the primary home of the Bonzami.

Brain Worm

Brain Worm Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Brain worms are parasitic organisms capable of controlling their hosts’ actions by integrating them into their nervous systems. These slender, snake-like creatures are both feared and studied for their ability to manipulate other sentient beings. They are typically a few centimetres in width but can stretch up to several meters in length when fully extended.


  • Brain worms have a chilling role in “The Clone Wars” series, notably in episodes involving the Geonosians who use them to zombify and control their enemies.

Known Locations

  • Geonosis: Originating from the catacombs beneath the planet’s surface.


Brezak Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Brezak is a reptilian flying creature used by natives for riding and hunting. It has broad wings and a streamlined body designed for speed and manoeuvrability in the air. Its sharp beak and talons make it a natural predator, while its keen eyesight aids in spotting prey from high altitudes.


  • Seen in “The Clone Wars” animated series, where they are used by inhabitants of planet Bardotta for various purposes.

Known Locations

  • Bardotta: A planet known for its mountainous regions, which are ideal for the aerial hunting habits of the Brezak.

B’omarr Monk Spider

B'omarr Monk Spider
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

B’omarr monk spiders are not actual biological creatures but rather brain walkers: the brains of B’omarr monks placed in spider-like droid bodies. This allows the monks to detach from physical sensations and focus on enlightenment. The spider bodies feature long, thin legs and a small central pod to house the brain, giving them a peculiar and eerie appearance.


  • They are briefly seen in “Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,” roaming the shadowy corridors of Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Specifically within the secretive confines of Jabba’s Palace.

Colo Claw Fish

Colo Claw Fish Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Colo Claw Fish is an enormous aquatic predator known for its impressive size and fierce demeanour. It has a bioluminescent body that glows in the depths of the dark waters it inhabits. Its most distinguishing features are its massive jaws and sharp, protruding claws used to impale and grasp its prey tightly.


  • Featured in “Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” where it attempts to attack the Gungan submarine traversing the core of Naboo.

Known Locations

  • Naboo: Specifically in the planet’s core oceans, which are rich in diverse and large aquatic life forms.


Convor Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Convor is a small, owl-like bird with a distinctive facial pattern and bright plumage. It is known for its intelligence and mysterious spiritual significance among certain cultures in the Star Wars universe. Convors are often seen observing or following significant characters, leading to speculation about their deeper connection to the Force.


  • Seen in “Star Wars Rebels” and “The Clone Wars,” often associated with the character Ahsoka Tano.

Known Locations

  • Malachor: Among other planets, where they seem to be drawn to areas strong with the Force.

Corellian Hounds

Corellian Hounds Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Corellian hounds are lean, aggressive creatures bred for hunting and tracking. With sharp teeth, a gaunt appearance, and heightened senses, they are relentless once they have picked up a scent. Their bodies are covered with a thin layer of fur over tough skin, which, along with their muscular build, makes them formidable predators.


  • These creatures are featured in “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” used by gangsters and criminals on Corellia for security and to hunt down fugitives.

Known Locations

  • Corellia: Often found in the underbelly of the planet’s industrial cities.


Dewback Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Dewbacks are large, reptilian creatures used as mounts and beasts of burden. They have thick, scaly skin that helps retain moisture and protect them from the harsh desert climate. Dewbacks are docile yet sturdy, capable of carrying heavy loads and equipped with a saddle and reins for easy riding.


  • First seen in “Episode IV: A New Hope,” used by Stormtroopers for patrol duties on Tatooine.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Commonly used by residents for transportation across the planet’s vast deserts.


Dianoga Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Dianoga is a tentacled, cephalopod-like creature known for its singular eye stalk that protrudes from water to survey its surroundings. These creatures are scavengers living in moist environments where they can feed on organic waste. Despite their repulsive appearance and hidden lifestyle, Dianoga are highly adapted to their niche, using their tentacles to capture prey or explore their environment.


  • Most famously seen in “Episode IV: A New Hope,” residing in the Death Star’s trash compactor.

Known Locations

  • Commonly found in the sewage systems and refuse areas of large space stations and urban centres.


Dryax Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Dryax are aggressive predators characterised by their large size and armoured skin. They possess a row of spiky ridges along their back and a broad, flat head with sharp fangs. Adapted to both solo and pack hunting, Dryax are daunting foes due to their speed and power.


  • Dryax have appeared in various expanded universe materials, often as formidable beasts that characters must overcome.

Known Locations

  • Dathomir: Known for its harsh environments and deadly fauna, which include the Dryax.


Eopie Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Eopies are quadruped mammals with long snouts and droopy ears. Their fur is generally sandy-coloured, blending perfectly with their desert surroundings. Used mainly as pack animals, Eopies are valued for their endurance and ability to survive on minimal water for extended periods.


  • They are most notably seen in “Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” used for transport by the residents of Tatooine.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Commonly found throughout the desert landscapes, perfectly adapted to the arid climate.


Fambaa Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Fambaa are gigantic, amphibious creatures with thick, leathery skin and large, floppy ears. They are herbivores, using their size to forage high foliage. In battle, Gungans use Fambaas to carry shield generators, which are mounted on their backs due to their strength and stature.


  • Fambaas are prominently featured in “Episode I: The Phantom Menace” during the Battle of Naboo.

Known Locations

  • Naboo: Particularly in the swampy areas where they roam freely and serve as beasts of burden for the Gungans.


Fathier Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Fathiers, often referred to as space horses, are large, powerful creatures with a sleek body and a long, graceful neck. Known for their incredible speed and stamina, Fathiers are used primarily for racing but also as mounts in various conflicts. They have a noble and intelligent demeanour, forming close bonds with their handlers.


  • Seen in “Episode VIII: The Last Jedi,” where they are raced for sport on the casino planet of Canto Bight and later play a crucial role in a dramatic escape.

Known Locations

  • Canto Bight: Known for its racetracks and luxurious lifestyle where Fathiers are both celebrated and exploited.


Fyrnock Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Fyrnocks are predatory creatures with bat-like features, including wings and sharp teeth. They are nocturnal and extremely sensitive to light, which can be used to repel or harm them. Fyrnocks are known for their aggressive behaviour and ability to swarm their prey in large numbers, making them a formidable threat in dark environments.


  • Featured in “Star Wars Rebels,” where they are encountered on a remote, abandoned base, posing a significant threat to the main characters.

Known Locations

  • Fort Anaxes: An abandoned military outpost where they have been known to nest in the shadowy recesses.


Gundark Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Gundarks are known for their formidable strength and large, floppy ears. They have a humanoid build with four powerful arms and a fierce, aggressive nature. Gundarks are often mentioned in the context of gladiatorial combat due to their prowess and tenacity in battle.


  • Gundarks appear in various Star Wars media, including a mention in “Episode II: Attack of the Clones” and visual appearances in the animated series “The Clone Wars.”

Known Locations

  • Vanqor and other remote or wild planets where they can be found in the wilderness or captured for fighting arenas.


Happabore Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Happabores are massive, non-aggressive creatures with thick skin and a docile nature, resembling a cross between a hippopotamus and a reptile. They are often used for labour or as beasts of burden, capable of carrying heavy loads over long distances without requiring much water, making them well-suited for arid environments.


  • A Happabore is notably seen in “Episode VII: The Force Awakens,” where one is drinking from a trough on Jakku.

Known Locations

  • Jakku: Commonly used by scavengers and locals for transport and as a source of water storage in their bodies.


Howler Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Howlers are primate-like creatures with loud, distinctive calls that can be heard for miles. They possess a menacing appearance with sharp teeth and large, muscular arms. Despite their aggressive vocalisations, howlers are generally territorial but will avoid conflict unless provoked.


  • While not prominently featured in the main films, howlers appear in various expanded universe novels and comics, often on jungle planets.

Known Locations

  • Dagobah and other forested worlds where their calls resonate through the dense foliage.

Ice Spiders

Ice Spiders Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Ice Spiders are large, arachnid-like creatures with translucent exoskeletons that allow them to blend into icy environments seamlessly. They are known for their ability to move quickly across ice and snow, making them stealthy predators. Their chilling appearance is matched by their dangerous nature, as they can attack swiftly with their sharp legs and fangs.


  • Seen in “The Mandalorian,” where they pose a significant threat on the ice planet Maldo Kreis.

Known Locations

  • Maldo Kreis: A frozen, desolate planet that is the perfect habitat for these chilling creatures.


Irlings Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Irlings are small, rodent-like creatures known for their speed and agility. They are covered in short, dense fur that helps them retain warmth in colder climates. Irlings are generally timid and elusive, making them difficult to spot. They are often preyed upon by larger creatures but use their quick reflexes and burrowing abilities to escape danger.


  • Irlings have appeared in various Star Wars novels and comics, often depicted scurrying in the background of larger events.

Known Locations

  • Hoth and other icy planets where they nest in the snow and feed on small insects.


Joopa Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Joopas are large, worm-like creatures that reside beneath the sands. They have massive mouths filled with rows of sharp teeth, used to snatch unsuspecting prey from the surface. Joopas are blind but have highly developed senses of vibration and sound, which they use to detect movement above them.


  • Featured in “Star Wars Rebels,” where a Joopa is used by the Ghost crew for a dangerous hunting challenge.

Known Locations

  • Seelos: Arid and sandy, this planet’s environment is ideal for the burrowing lifestyle of the Joopa.


Kaadu Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Kaadus are large, bird-like creatures used primarily as mounts by the Gungans of Naboo. They have long legs and a streamlined body, making them well-suited for swift movement through the swamps and waterways of their home planet. Kaadus are known for their loyalty and relatively easy temperament, which makes them ideal for domestication.


  • Kaadus are most notably seen in “Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” ridden by Gungan warriors during the Battle of Naboo.

Known Locations

  • Naboo: Common in the lush swamps and used by the Gungans for various purposes.


Kamoradon Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Kamoradons are amphibious reptiles with thick, rubbery skin and a broad, flat tail used for swimming. They possess both gills and lungs, allowing them to thrive in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Their powerful jaws and sharp teeth make them formidable predators in their watery habitats.


  • Kamoradons appear in the Star Wars expanded universe, particularly in stories set on water-rich planets.

Known Locations

  • Mon Cala: A planet with vast oceans, providing the perfect environment for these versatile creatures.


Keeradak Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Keeradaks are flying creatures with wide wingspan and a lightweight body, enabling them to manoeuvre easily through the air. They have a beak-like mouth and long, grasping claws that are used to pick up prey or objects. Keeradaks are social creatures, often seen in flocks, and are known for their loud, echoing calls.


  • Featured in “The Clone Wars” animated series, where they are ridden by native tribes on the planet Skako Minor.

Known Locations

  • Skako Minor: Known for its rugged terrain and high cliffs, perfect for the aerial lifestyle of the Keeradak.


Kod'yok Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Kod’yoks are massive, bear-like creatures with thick fur and powerful limbs, known for their formidable strength and aggressive nature when threatened. They have large, sharp claws that can tear through most materials, making them dangerous predators in their natural habitat.


  • Kod’yoks appear in “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” notably during the train heist scene on the snowy mountains of Vandor.

Known Locations

  • Vandor: A planet with harsh, snowy environments that are well-suited to the rugged nature of the Kod’yok.


Kouhun Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Kouhuns are small, insectoid creatures that are highly venomous. They are typically white and have a segmented body with sharp pincers. Kouhuns are silent and can be deadly when used as assassination tools due to their ability to deliver a quick and potent venomous bite.


  • Seen in “Episode II: Attack of the Clones,” where they are used in an attempt to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala.

Known Locations

  • Indoumodo: Native to this planet, Kouhuns are often found in dark, damp environments where they can avoid the light.

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard Star Wars Creatures

Kowakian Monkey-Lizards are small, reptilian creatures known for their distinct cackling laughter and mischievous behaviour. They possess a slim, flexible body, a feathered head crest, and a prehensile tail, allowing them to easily hang from branches.


  • Most famously associated with Jabba the Hutt’s court in “Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,” where Salacious B. Crumb, a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard, serves as the court jester.

Known Locations

  • Kowak: The home planet of these creatures, though they can be found as pets or entertainers across the galaxy.


Krykna Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Kryknas are large, spider-like creatures with six legs and a tough exoskeleton. They are highly aggressive and have venomous bites, making them feared by local populations. Kryknas also have an aversion to light, preferring dark and enclosed spaces.


  • They are encountered by characters in “Star Wars Rebels,” particularly on the planet Atollon, where they pose a significant threat to the rebel base.

Known Locations

  • Atollon: A remote desert planet that hosts colonies of Krykna in its caves and underground tunnels.

Lava Meerkat

Lava Meerkat Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Lava Meerkats are small, mammalian creatures adapted to live in extreme heat and volcanic environments. They have heat-resistant fur and can burrow into cooled lava flows to create their homes. These creatures are quick and agile, able to escape predators by swiftly navigating the rocky terrain.


  • Featured in “The Mandalorian,” seen scurrying about on the volcanic planet of Nevarro.

Known Locations

  • Nevarro: A planet characterised by its active volcanic activity, making it a suitable habitat for these resilient creatures.


Loth-bat Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Loth-bats are small, nocturnal creatures with leathery wings and a keen sense of echolocation, making them excellent navigators of the twilight skies of Lothal. They possess sharp teeth and a diet primarily consisting of insects and small rodents. Their calls are high-pitched and used for communication and navigation.


  • Loth-bats appear in background scenes in “Star Wars Rebels,” often flying in the skies of Lothal or roosting in the ruins.

Known Locations

  • Lothal: A planet with a rich ecosystem that supports a variety of unique wildlife, including Loth-bats.


Loth-cat Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Loth-cats are small, feline creatures native to Lothal, known for their playful nature and hunting prowess. They have distinctive markings and a variety of fur colors, usually bright and patterned. Loth-cats are territorial but can form strong bonds with individuals who earn their trust.


  • Frequently seen in “Star Wars Rebels,” where they interact with the main characters, showing both their domestic and wild nature.

Known Locations

  • Lothal: These creatures are integral to the local ecology, thriving in both the grasslands and urban areas of the planet.


Loth-wolf Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Loth-wolves are large, intelligent, and mystical creatures with a deep connection to the Force. They are revered in Lothalian culture and mythology. These wolves are not only capable of understanding human speech but also of travelling through time and space via the Force. They have a striking appearance with luminous eyes and a powerful stature.


  • They play a significant role in “Star Wars Rebels,” aiding the protagonists and guiding them through spiritual journeys.

Known Locations

  • Lothal: Found in the ancient sites and mystical places of the planet, Loth-wolves are rarely seen but highly respected.


Luggabeast Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Luggabeasts are mechanised, bio-engineered beasts of burden, often seen with a metallic framework fitted onto their bodies to enhance their strength and endurance. They do not have eyes and rely on built-in sensors to navigate. These creatures are used primarily by scavengers and traders to haul heavy equipment.


  • Seen in “Episode VII: The Force Awakens,” used by Teedo, a scavenger on Jakku, to carry large loads across the desert.

Known Locations

  • Jakku: A harsh desert planet where Luggabeasts are commonly used to manage and transport salvage from starship wrecks.

Lurca Hound

Lurca Hound Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Lurca Hounds are robust and muscular canines bred for hunting and tracking in various environments. They have a thick coat that protects them from the elements and keen senses, especially smell, which makes them excellent at tracking. Their loyalty and protective instincts make them valuable companions.


  • While not extensively featured in mainstream media, Lurca Hounds appear in the expanded universe, often accompanying bounty hunters or explorers.

Known Locations

  • They are adaptable and can be found across different planets, especially in frontier areas where their skills are utilised.


Mudhorn Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Mudhorn is a large, rhinoceros-like beast known for its thick hide and a singular, massive horn protruding from its forehead, which it uses for defence and dominance battles. Covered in muddy fur, it is adept at camouflaging in its swampy environment. Mudhorns are fiercely protective of their young and can become highly aggressive if threatened.


  • Featured prominently in “The Mandalorian,” where a Mudhorn becomes a significant part of the Mandalorian’s journey and his bond with the Child (Grogu).

Known Locations

  • Arvala-7: A muddy and marsh-filled planet that serves as the natural habitat for the Mudhorn.


Mynock Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Mynocks are leathery-winged parasites that feed on the power cables and energy systems of spacecraft, making them a nuisance to space travellers. They have sucker mouths and can survive in the vacuum of space, attaching themselves to ships and draining their electrical power.


  • Seen in “Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,” where they attach themselves to the Millennium Falcon while it is hiding in the asteroid field.

Known Locations

  • Mynocks are not planet-specific but are found throughout the galaxy, especially in asteroid belts and uninhabited moons.


Narglatch Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Narglatches are feline-like predators with fur adapted to icy environments. They have sharp claws and teeth, which make them formidable hunters. Known for their agility and power, Narglatches are solitary creatures, only coming together during mating seasons.


  • They appear in the “Clone Wars” series, particularly seen on the icy planet of Orto Plutonia.

Known Locations

  • Orto Plutonia: An ice-covered world that is the native environment for these creatures.

Nevarro Reptavian

Nevarro reptavian Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Nevarro Reptavians are bird-like creatures with reptilian features, adapted to the volcanic and rugged terrain of Nevarro. They have strong beaks and talons, and their wings are more suited for gliding over hot air currents than for rapid flapping flight.


  • These creatures can be seen in the background in “The Mandalorian,” especially around the town where much of the action takes place.

Known Locations

  • Nevarro: A planet marked by volcanic activity, which influences the evolution and adaptations of its native species, including the Nevarro Reptavian.


Nexu Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Nexu are predatory creatures with a feline body structure, sharp teeth, and multiple eyes that give them excellent night vision. They are agile and capable of climbing trees and other structures with ease. Nexu have a distinctive split jaw, which opens vertically to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth, used to snatch their prey.


  • A Nexu is one of the creatures released to attack the heroes in the Geonosis arena in “Episode II: Attack of the Clones.”

Known Locations

  • Cholganna: A densely forested planet that serves as the perfect hunting ground for these agile predators.

Nightwatcher Worm

Nightwatcher Worm Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Nightwatcher Worm is a large subterranean creature known for its ability to burrow deep within the sands of desert planets. It has a segmented body and can reach impressive lengths, often mistaken for a mere sand dune when part of its body is exposed. These worms feed on minerals in the soil, but they have been known to scavenge for scraps near settlements.


  • Mentioned and briefly seen in “The Mandalorian,” particularly when scavenging for mechanical parts and organic waste on Tatooine.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Thriving in the harsh desert environment, Nightwatcher Worms are adept at navigating through the sands unseen.


Nuna Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Nunas, also known as swamp turkeys, are small, bipedal birds that inhabit marshy and swampy areas. They are covered in feathers with a distinctive blue and green colouration and have a robust body structure. Nunas are often domesticated for their meat, which is considered a delicacy on some planets.


  • Nunas are seen in various settings, including “The Phantom Menace” during the Podracing scenes and throughout “The Clone Wars” series.

Known Locations

  • Naboo: Common in the swamps and wetlands and also found in other similar habitats across the galaxy.

Opee Sea Killer

Opee Sea Killer Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Opee Sea Killer is a large aquatic predator combining features of fish and crustaceans. It has a long, armoured body, powerful jaws with sharp teeth, and tentacles used for capturing prey. This creature lies in wait, camouflaged within the seabed, before launching surprise attacks on unsuspecting prey.


  • Featured in “Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” where it famously attacks the Gungan sub piloted by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Known Locations

  • Naboo: Specifically in the vast oceans where it hunts within the Planet Core, hidden from the surface world.

Ordo Moon Dragon

Ordo Moon Dragon Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Ordo Moon Dragon is a small, lizard-like creature known for its ability to consume and metabolise raw energy, which makes it a pest around energy-rich environments. It has a sleek, scaled body with a bioluminescent glow, enabling it to navigate in the darkness of its native moon’s surface.


  • Appears in “The Mandalorian,” where it is seen consuming power from a spacecraft, causing significant trouble for the protagonist.

Known Locations

  • Ord Mantell: Particularly the moon’s rocky and barren landscapes, which suit its nocturnal and predatory habits.


Orray Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Orrays are non-sentient, reptilian creatures used primarily as beasts of burden or for arena fighting due to their aggressive nature. They have a stocky build, a mouth filled with sharp teeth, and a spiny ridge down their back. Despite their fearsome appearance, they can be domesticated and trained for various tasks.


  • Orrays are featured in “Episode II: Attack of the Clones,” seen in the Geonosian execution arena.

Known Locations

  • Geonosis: Commonly used by the Geonosians both as working animals and for entertainment in gladiatorial combats.


Parvinoth Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Parvinoth is a colossal sea creature known for its tentacled limbs and formidable presence in the oceans. It has a massive body, primarily submerged, with long, flexible tentacles that can extend to great lengths to ensnare prey or defend itself against threats. This creature’s enormous size and power make it a legendary figure in aquatic lore.


  • Though not prominently featured in the main film series, the Parvinoth has been explored in Star Wars comics and animated series, contributing to underwater storylines.

Known Locations

  • Mon Cala: A planet with vast oceans suitable for the life of such large and mysterious creatures.


Porg Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Porgs are small, bird-like creatures with big, expressive eyes and a curious nature. They are covered in soft, fluffy feathers and have a flat, rounded face with a short, wide beak. Porgs are native to the cliffs of the remote island where Luke Skywalker lives in exile, and they are known for their playful and inquisitive behaviour around visitors.


  • Porgs gained widespread attention in “Episode VIII: The Last Jedi,” where they interact with the main characters on Ahch-To.

Known Locations

  • Ahch-To: The rocky, isolated island that serves as a sanctuary for these creatures and the site of the ancient Jedi temples.

Puffer Pig

Puffer Pig Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Puffer Pigs are small, porcine creatures that have the unique ability to inflate their bodies significantly when frightened or threatened. This inflation can increase their size multiple times over, making it difficult for predators (or captors) to move or manage them. They are valued for their ability to sniff out valuable minerals, making them a target for mining operations.


  • Featured in “Star Wars Rebels,” where they are used to find valuable resources and cause a fair bit of comedic chaos.

Known Locations

  • Puffer Pigs are not tied to a specific planet but are sought after across various mining colonies in the galaxy.


Purrgil Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Purrgil are massive, whale-like creatures that travel through hyperspace. They are believed to have inspired the invention of hyperspace technology due to their natural ability to navigate and enter hyperspace. Purrgil have long, flowing tentacles and a luminescent quality to their skin, making them appear almost ethereal.


  • Purrgil play a crucial role in “Star Wars Rebels,” providing a mystical and significant narrative about the connection between nature and technology.

Known Locations

  • Found travelling through deep space, Purrgil is not confined to any single planet or system but can appear wherever there are hyperspace routes.


Rathtar Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Rathtars are large, carnivorous creatures with a spherical body covered in tentacles used for locomotion and capturing prey. They possess a central mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth and are known for their aggression and voracity. Rathtars are feared throughout the galaxy and are often transported by smugglers as illegal, dangerous cargo.


  • Seen in “Episode VII: The Force Awakens,” where they are released on Han Solo’s freighter, causing havoc and terror.

Known Locations

  • Twon Ketee: Though they can be found in various locations due to smuggling, their origin is believed to be the planet Twon Ketee.


Reek Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Reek is a large, rhinoceros-like creature known for its thick hide and three sharp horns. It has a muscular body and is typically reddish-brown in colour. Reeks are herbivores by nature but can become carnivorous when provoked or altered by external factors, such as being starved for the purposes of arena fighting.


  • A Reek is notably seen in “Episode II: Attack of the Clones,” where it is used in the execution arena on Geonosis.

Known Locations

  • Geonosis and other arid planets. Though it is not native to Geonosis, it has been imported there for gladiatorial combats.


Ronto Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Rontos are large, dinosaur-like creatures with long necks and massive bodies, primarily used as beasts of burden. They are known for their incredible strength and ability to carry heavy loads over long distances. Rontos are gentle giants but can spook easily in crowded or noisy environments.


  • Seen in the special edition of “Episode IV: A New Hope,” wandering the streets of Mos Eisley on Tatooine.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Commonly used by traders and settlers for transport and heavy lifting in the harsh desert environment.


Ruping Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Rupings are large, flying creatures resembling birds of prey with wide wingspans and sharp talons. They are incredibly agile in the air and capable of swift, manoeuvrable flight, which makes them valuable as mounts for aerial reconnaissance and combat.


  • Featured in “The Clone Wars” animated series, used by the native Onderon rebels for riding and attacking enemy positions.

Known Locations

  • Onderon: A planet with dense jungles where Rupings nest in the high canopies and are tamed by the locals.

Sando Aqua Monster

Sando Aqua Monster Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Sando Aqua Monster is an enormous aquatic predator with a massive body and powerful limbs, making it one of the largest creatures in the waters of Naboo. It has a gaping mouth capable of swallowing most creatures whole and a temper as ferocious as its size.


  • Seen in “Episode I: The Phantom Menace” during the underwater journey to the Gungan city, where it attacks the protagonists’ submersible.

Known Locations

  • Naboo: Specifically in the deep oceans, where it reigns as one of the apex predators.


Sarlacc Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Sarlacc is a notorious desert-dwelling creature known for its long lifespan and unique method of digestion. It resides in a large pit, with only its massive mouth visible above the sand, lined with rows of sharp teeth and tentacles used to grasp prey. Once captured, prey is slowly digested over thousands of years.


  • Most famously appears in “Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,” in the Great Pit of Carkoon where it is used as an execution method by Jabba the Hutt.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: The harsh desert conditions are ideal for the Sarlacc, allowing it to camouflage its pit among the sandy dunes.


Scurrier Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Scurriers are small, rodent-like creatures known for their quick movements and keen scavenging abilities. They have slender bodies and short fur and are highly adaptable to harsh environments. Scurriers are often seen in packs, indicating a complex social structure, and they can be a nuisance around settlements due to their propensity to steal food.


  • Scurriers make brief appearances in “Episode IV: A New Hope,” scuttling through the streets of Mos Eisley on Tatooine.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Thriving in the desert climate, Scurriers exploit the settlements and moisture farms scattered across the planet.


Shaak Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Shaaks are plump, docile animals with a bulbous body and short legs, making them appear almost comical. They are herbivores and spend much of their time grazing on the grassy plains of their home planet. Despite their slow nature, Shaaks can be startled easily, leading to humorous, albeit chaotic, stampedes.


  • Seen in “Episode II: Attack of the Clones,” grazing in the fields of Naboo, particularly in scenes involving Anakin and Padmé.

Known Locations

  • Naboo: Commonly found in the lush, verdant meadows which provide ample food for these gentle creatures.

Space Slug

Space Slug Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Space Slugs, also known as Exogorths, are gigantic worm-like creatures that reside in the vacuum of space. They live within asteroids, feeding on minerals, energy, and occasional space travellers. Their immense size and ability to survive in space make them one of the galaxy’s most unique and formidable creatures.


  • Iconically featured in “Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,” where one nearly consumes the Millennium Falcon in an asteroid field.

Known Locations

  • They are found in asteroid belts throughout the galaxy, particularly those with rich mineral content.


Speagull Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Speagulls are bird-like creatures resembling seagulls found on Earth, but adapted to the varied environments of the Star Wars galaxy. They have a sharp cry and are known to flock in large numbers, often around coastal and port areas where they can scavenge food from the local populace and visitors.


  • Speagulls are seen in background scenes in various Star Wars media, adding life and realism to port and marketplace settings.

Known Locations

  • Commonly found on planets with large bodies of water or significant trade ports, such as Corellia.


Steelpecker Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Steelpeckers are avian creatures that derive their name from their unusual diet of metal, which they glean from abandoned or derelict vehicles and machinery. These birds have strong, sharp beaks that allow them to tear into the metal structures to extract minerals necessary for their survival.


  • They are notably seen in “Episode VII: The Force Awakens,” pecking at the remains of starships on Jakku.

Known Locations

  • Jakku: Particularly abundant in the starship graveyards, where their unique dietary habits can be observed.

Tatooine Sand Beast

Tatooine Sand Beast Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Tatooine Sand Beast, also known as the Greater Krayt Dragon, is a formidable predator native to the deserts of Tatooine. It is distinguished by its massive size, powerful limbs, and a long, serpentine body. The Sand Beast is known for its ability to burrow and move beneath the sand, making it a stealthy and deadly hunter capable of attacking unexpectedly from below.


  • Featured prominently in “The Mandalorian,” where a Krayt Dragon terrorises a local community and requires a coordinated effort to bring down.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Especially in the Dune Sea area, where they roam the vast desert landscapes.


Tauntaun Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Tauntauns are reptilian, bipedal creatures adapted to the frigid climates of Hoth. They possess thick fur and a lean body, helping them conserve heat and maintain agility in snowy environments. Used primarily as mounts by the Rebel Alliance, Tauntauns are valued for their ability to traverse difficult terrain quickly and reliably.


  • Seen in “Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,” where they serve as patrol mounts for the Rebels stationed on Hoth.

Known Locations

  • Hoth: The icy plains and hills are ideal for Tauntauns, providing them with ample food sources and terrain suited to their abilities.


Thala-siren Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Thala-sirens are large, docile marine mammals with a distinctive appearance characterised by their flat, roundish bodies and long flippers. They are best known for the nutritious green milk they produce, which is harvested by the natives of the planets they inhabit.


  • Introduced in “Episode VIII: The Last Jedi,” where Luke Skywalker is seen milking a Thala-siren on Ahch-To.

Known Locations

  • Ahch-To: The rocky coastlines of this secluded island provide a peaceful habitat for Thala-sirens, away from major predators and disturbances.

The Drengir

The Drengir Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Drengir are sentient plant-like creatures capable of rapid growth and regeneration. They are carnivorous, using their root systems to ensnare and consume any living thing they can catch. The Drengir are uniquely connected to the Dark Side of the Force, which fuels their malevolent intelligence and expansionist desires.


  • Featured in the “Star Wars: The High Republic” series of novels and comics, posing a significant threat to the galaxy during this era.

Known Locations

  • Originating from the dark reaches of space, the Drengir have spread to various locations, infiltrating ecosystems and threatening local lifeforms.

The Nameless

The Nameless Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Nameless are mythical creatures said to exist outside the known galaxy, in the realm of legends and Sith lore. Descriptions vary, but they are often depicted as fearsome and enigmatic, with powers beyond comprehension. The Nameless are believed to inhabit the dark spaces between stars, where they traverse the voids of space.


  • Mentioned in ancient Sith texts and obscure legends within the Star Wars expanded universe.

Known Locations

  • Alleged to reside in the Unknown Regions or beyond, in areas uncharted by standard galactic maps.


Tibidee Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Tibidees are large, bird-like creatures with expansive wingspans and vibrant plumage. They are known for their graceful flight and the unique humming sound they produce while flying. Tibidees are generally gentle but can become aggressive if their nests or young are threatened.


  • Featured in “The Clone Wars” animated series, where they are ridden by characters navigating the skies of various planets.

Known Locations

  • Aleen and other planets with rich, verdant landscapes that support their aerial lifestyle and dietary needs.

Tooka Cat

Tooka cat Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Tooka Cats are small, feline creatures known for their playfulness and mischievous nature. They have distinct, colourful fur patterns and expressive faces, with large eyes and perky ears. Tooka Cats are popular pets across the galaxy due to their affectionate temperament and ability to control vermin populations.


  • Tooka Cats appear in various episodes of “The Clone Wars” and “Star Wars Rebels,” often as pets or in background scenes.

Known Locations

  • Widespread across the galaxy, Tooka Cats are adaptable to a variety of environments, from starships to urban apartments.


Varactyl Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Varactyls are large, reptilian creatures known for their incredible speed and agility. They have vivid blue-green plumage and a crest of feathers on their heads and backs, which helps with temperature regulation and mating displays. Varactyls are strong and loyal, often forming close bonds with their riders.


  • Most notably seen in “Episode III: Revenge of the Sith,” ridden by Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Utapau.

Known Locations

  • Utapau and similar rocky, cliff-filled planets where their climbing skills and speed are advantageous.


Vexis Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Vexis are serpentine creatures with a venomous bite and a muscular, scaled body. They are ambush predators, using their environment to conceal themselves before striking at unsuspecting prey. Vexis snakes are both feared and respected in their native habitats for their lethal capabilities.


  • Featured in “The Rise of Skywalker,” where they are encountered in the tunnels of the desert planet Pasaana.

Known Locations

  • Pasaana, thriving in the subterranean environments where they can easily hide and hunt.


Vixus Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Vixus is a large, predatory plant with tentacle-like vines and a massive central maw. It uses its vines to snatch prey that wanders too close, dragging them into its digestive cavity. The Vixus is stationary, relying on camouflage and the element of surprise to capture food.


  • Seen in “The Clone Wars” animated series, particularly in episodes featuring jungle or forest planets.

Known Locations

  • Felucia and other lush, jungle-like worlds where its predatory nature can be effectively utilised in the dense undergrowth.


Vrathean Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Vratheans are aquatic creatures characterised by their elongated, eel-like bodies and bioluminescent qualities. These creatures are known for their ability to generate light through chemical reactions within their bodies, which they use to attract prey or communicate. Vratheans are graceful swimmers, navigating the depths of their watery habitats with ease.


  • While not prominently featured in mainstream Star Wars films, Vratheans have appeared in various expanded universe materials, enhancing the biodiversity of aquatic environments in the galaxy.

Known Locations

  • They are found in the oceanic depths of planets like Mon Cala, where their light displays contribute to the vibrant underwater ecosystem.


Vulptex Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Vulptex, or crystal foxes, are small, fox-like creatures covered in crystalline spines instead of fur. These spines reflect light, creating a shimmering, almost magical appearance. Vulptices are curious and skittish, adept at navigating their harsh, rocky habitats using their sharp senses.


  • Seen in “Episode VIII: The Last Jedi,” where they inhabit the salt-covered planet of Crait and play a key role in guiding the Resistance to safety.

Known Locations

  • Crait: An abandoned mining planet with vast salt flats and underground caverns that provide shelter for these creatures.


Wampa Star Wars Creatures
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Wampas are large, carnivorous creatures resembling abominable snowmen. They have thick, white fur that allows them to blend into the snowy landscapes of their home planet. Wampas are solitary and aggressive, known for their incredible strength and the ability to ambush prey, often freezing them in the ice caves where they dwell.


  • Most famously encountered in “Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,” where a Wampa attacks Luke Skywalker on Hoth.

Known Locations

  • Hoth: The icy, desolate plains are perfect for Wampas, providing ample hunting grounds and harsh conditions suited to their survival.


(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Worrts are small, frog-like creatures with large mouths and squat bodies. They are ambush predators, remaining mostly stationary as they wait for insects or smaller creatures to come within range. Worrts then use their quick tongues to snatch up their prey in a swift motion.


  • Seen sitting outside Jabba the Hutt’s palace in “Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,” illustrating the diversity of life that thrives even in such a harsh desert environment.

Known Locations

  • Tatooine: Common around moisture farms and desert outposts, where they can find a steady supply of food.

Star Wars Creatures: Special Categories

Rare Star Wars Creatures

Thala-siren: Found exclusively on the secluded island of Ahch-To, Thala-sirens are not only rare due to their limited habitat but also for their unique role in the galaxy. They are one of the few creatures Luke Skywalker interacts with during his exile, underscoring their rarity and mystical presence.

Vulptex (Crystal Fox): Native to the abandoned mining planet of Crait, Vulptices with their crystalline fur are rare geological and biological wonders. Their appearance is striking and serves as a key element in the plot of “The Last Jedi,” helping the Resistance fighters find a way out of the besieged base.

Purrgil: These space-travelling creatures are rare and mystical, embodying the natural convergence of organic life and hyperspace travel. They are seldom seen but profoundly impact the galaxy’s understanding and utilization of hyperspace.

Dangerous Star Wars Creatures

Rathtar: Known for their aggression and deadly efficiency, Rathtars are feared across the galaxy. Their ability to cause havoc, as seen when they are unleashed on Han Solo’s freighter, marks them as particularly dangerous creatures within the Star Wars saga.

Sarlacc: The Sarlacc’s method of consuming and digesting its prey over thousands of years makes it one of the most dangerous creatures. Its iconic presence in “Return of the Jedi” as a method of execution adds to its fearsome reputation.

Wampa: This predator of Hoth is dangerous due to its strength and predatory skills and its ability to blend into its icy surroundings. The Wampa’s attack on Luke Skywalker in “The Empire Strikes Back” highlights the latent danger of seemingly uninhabited planets.

Star Wars Creatures With Unique Abilities

Purrgil: Their ability to travel through hyperspace naturally is a unique trait that profoundly influences the Star Wars narrative. It provides a biological basis for hyperspace technology and shows a unique symbiosis between wildlife and space travel.

Vixus: As a predatory plant, the Vixus showcases unique hunting methods with its tentacle-like vines used to ensnare prey. Its appearance in “The Clone Wars” emphasizes the diversity of predatory strategies beyond typical animalistic behaviours.

Loth-wolf: Native to Lothal, Loth-wolves have a deep connection to the Force, are capable of understanding human speech, and interact with dimensional pathways. Their role in guiding and protecting the protagonists in “Star Wars Rebels” showcases their unique abilities and mystical significance.


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